اكتشف حلول الرعاية الصحية المتطورة: تعرف على فريق Unisur Lifecare في معرض Fime Show 2024

As the healthcare industry continues to evolve at a rapid pace, staying abreast of the latest innovations and technologies is paramount for healthcare professionals seeking to enhance patient care and optimize clinical outcomes. One such opportunity to explore cutting-edge healthcare solutions awaits at the Fime Show 2024, where the Unisur Lifecare team is poised to…

استخدامات شبكة البولي بروبلين

Polypropylene Mesh, is made up of high quality monofilament suture  and UNILENE MESH, are crafted from a knitted filament of extruded polypropylene, ensuring consistency in composition. Each fiber junction is interlinked through a meticulous knitting process, creating a sturdy yet flexible structure. Laser-cutting technology customizes mesh shapes and sizes according to specific needs. This bidirectional…

خيوط البولي بروبلين

خيوط جراحية من مادة البولي بروبيلين من إنتاج الشركة المصنعة رقم 1 في الهند

Polypropylene suture is a non-absorbable surgical suture composed of Isotactic crystalline Stereoisomer. Polypropylene is a synthetic linear polyolefin, and it is pigmented in blue colour to enhance visibility. UNILENE suture has excellent tensile strength. The Polypropylene suture elicits minimal tissue reaction and no case of tissue rupture. The needle manufacturing provides better needles with an…