خياطة حلقية

Catgut Chromic Loop Suture (UNILOOP)

Absorbable Surgical Suture U.S.P.

Loop Suture is natural surgical gut suture made by twisting together strand of Collagenous material taken from the submucosal layers of the small intestine of healthy sheep and goat. The chromic suture is processed to provide higher resistance to absorption and treated with chromic salts to delay absorption. Loop Suture is formed in a ligature loop with knot and it meets all the requirements as per the United States Pharmacopeia for Natural Absorbable Suture.

Indications of Loop Suture:

Uniloop ligature facilitates the ligation of pedicles in laparoscopic procedures and are intended for use in appendectomy, cholecystectomy and other surgeries. Specially designed for ease to handle. Offers speedy ligation procedure.


Endoloop catgut suture consists of a long ligature in a PP tube that is narrow at one end and scored at the other, where suture is attached and is formed in a ligature loop with a knot. Once the ligature is in place, the scored end is simply snapped and pulled upward to tighten the loop and secure the knot.

Storage: Recommended storage conditions is below 30°C, away from moisture and direct sunlight/heat. Do not use after the expiry date.

Sutures of various lengths and gauges sizes of USP 6-0 to 1, available as six units per box.

  • Code No: UL2215
  • Suture USP Size: 1
  • Suture Length: 50 سم
  • Description: بدون إبرة
عمود النينجا 1عمود النينجا 2
صفاتخيوط جراحية طبيعية قابلة للامتصاص
يكتبIt is twisted multifilament structure with a monofilament appearance.
مادةخيوط كرومية
دعم الجروح14 to 21 days
امتصاصAbsorption takes place through enzymatic mechanism completely gets absorbed in 90 to 120 days
قوة الشدInitial tensile strength is last within 14 to 21 days
مجموعة USPSize 1, Pre-Knotted Loop Ligature 50cms.
تعقيمSterilized by Radiation (Gamma Radiation).
مدة الصلاحية5 سنوات
خصائص المنتجقوة شد ممتازة، ربط ممتاز للعقد، تفاعل نسيجي ضئيل
التغليفPacked 6 pieces per box
نوع الإبرةجسم دائري، حافة قاطعة، نقطة مدببة، مستقيمة، قطع عكسي.
رقم ترخيص التصنيعصانع/مدير/2020/000109
رقم الترخيص الأصليKA/الجهاز/التصنيع/المدير التنفيذي/2020/000109

Loop Suture evokes a minimal inflammatory reaction in tissues due to foreign body response. UNILOOP gradually loses tensile strength and is finally absorbed by the proteolytic enzymatic digestive process. Significant tensile strength is retained until initial 10 to 14 days and some measurable strength is retained up to 21 days.

Complete absorption of UNILOOP suture takes place between 90 and 100 days. Due to the inherent variability of natural material, tensile strength loss and absorption rate varies. Infection and Tissue Sites may affect the tensile strength loss and rate of absorption.

UNILOOP is absorbed more rapidly in case of infected tissue than in non-infected tissue and where increased levels of proteolytic enzymes are present, as in the secretions from the stomach, cervix and vagina

The Uniloop is a simple endosuturing device designed to ligate tissue with a looped slipknot. It is currently available in a variety of suture sizes and materials. The loop can be precisely placed around tissue pedicles and blood vessels. Ligation and hemostasis can be accomplished as the loop will constrict around the tissue and secure in place with the aid of PP knot-pusher.

Advantages of this technique are the relative ease of use, precision and excellent hemostasis. One should always consider using an Uniloop when attempting to control bleeding. In contrast to electrocautery or metal clips, an Uniloop, when applied causes no lateral thermal injury or trauma to surrounding tissue.

The UNILOOP consists of ligature in a PP tube that is narrow at one end and scored at the other, where it is attached. The suture is formed in a ligature loop with a knot. Once the ligature is in place, the scored end is simply snapped and pulled upward to tighten the loop and secure the knot. Hence, UNILOOP can be used in an elegantly simple and effective way by the surgeons.

UNILOOP as a standard device for laparoscopic procedures leads to a marginal reduction in intraoperative costs without increasing negative outcomes.