Monofilament Poliglecaprone Suture (UNIGLYDE MONO)

Sutura Sintética Absorbible U.S.P (Sutura Quirúrgica Esterilizada con Aguja)

Poliglecaprone Suture is synthetic absorbable sterile surgical suture composed of polymers made from 100% homo polymer of poly glycolide and caprolactone. It has been found non-antigenic, non-pyrogenic and exhibits slight tissue reaction during absorption. It is available in Undyed and Violet colour. It is dyed with CI solvent Violet No. 13. In house needle manufacturing provides better needles with optimum sharpness which finally delivers smooth riding on tissues during suturing.


Monofilament poliglecaprone suture is an ideal approximation suture for subcuticular closure. It retains 50%-60% of its tensile strength for 7days, 20%-30% for 14days, provides wound support for 21-28days and is absorbed through simple hydrolysis and completely get absorbed within 90-120 days. Absorption is predictable.

  • Properties: Good flexibility, Reliable knot security, good knot placement, Smooth passage through tissue provides no trauma, excellent tensile strength.
  • Poliglecaprone 25 sutures are used in general soft tissue approximation, subcuticular closure, also used for closure of peritoneum, uterus and vaginal cuff, Cosmetic surgery It is not recommended for use in cardiovascular surgery, neurological surgery, ophthalmic surgery and microsurgeries.
Ninja Columna 1Columna Ninja 2
CaracterísticasSutura quirúrgica sintética absorbible
Tipo100% homo polymer of poly glycolide and caprolactone
Material100% homopolymer of poly p-dioxanone.
ColorVioleta y sin teñir
Soporte para heridas21 to 28 days
AbsorciónAbsorption takes place through hydrolysis completely in 90 to 120 days
Resistencia a la tracciónApproximately 50%-60% tensile strength is retained for 7days, 20%-30% for 14days.
Gama USP6/0 ? 2
EsterilizaciónEO (óxido de etileno)
Vida útil3 años
EmbalajeEn envases de papel de aluminio con o sin aguja
Características del productoExcelente resistencia a la tracción, Excelente atado de nudos, Mínima reacción tisular
Tipo de agujaCuerpo redondo, filo cortante, punta cónica, recto, corte inverso.
MFG. Nº LICMFG/MD/2020/000109
Código nTamaño USPLongitudDescripción de la aguja
S 2214M0152 cmSin aguja
S 2215M1152 cmSin aguja
N 4241M2-076 cm1/2 Círculo Redondo 30mm
N 4242M076 cm1/2 Círculo Redondo 30mm
N 4246M076 cm1/2 Círculo Redondo 40mm
N 4248M1100 cm1/2 Círculo Redondo 50mm Pesado
N 2214M0152 cm1/2 Círculo Redondo 30mm
N 4226M176 cm3/8 Circle Round Bodied 45mm
N 4228M290 cm1/2 Círculo Redondo 45mm
N 4245M2-076 cm1/2 Círculo Redondo 40mm
N 4255M 2-076 cm1/2 Circle Cutting 30mm Heavy
N 4273M176 cm1/2 Círculo Corte Inverso 50mm
N 1326DY3-070 cm3/8 Circle Cutting 25mm PRIME
N 1326A DY3-045 cm3/8 Circle Cutting 25mm PRIME
N 1205RB-DY4-070 cm3/8 Circle Round Body 16mm
S 16140150 cmWithout Needle Undyed
N 4259M176 cm1/2 Círculo Redondo 40mm
N 16412-070 cm1/2 Circle Round Body 30mm Undyed
N 16421-070 cm1/2 Circle Round Body 30mm Undyed
N 1651/352-035 cmStraight Cutting 60mm Undyed
N 12054-070 cm3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting 16mm Undyed
N 13263-070 cm3/8 Circle Cutting 25mm Precision Undyed
N 33263-070 cm3/8 Círculo Corte Inverso 26mm Sin Teñir
N 32045-045 cm3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting 16mm Undyed
N 32035-045 cm3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting 13mm Undyed
N 1326A3-045 cm3/8 Circle Cutting 25mm Precision Undyed