UHMWPE Suture (Polyethylene) Manufacturer 1

UHMWPE Suture - Polyethylene (UNISTRONG)

Sutura quirúrgica no reabsorbible U.S.P (Sutura quirúrgica esterilizada con aguja)

UHMWPE Suture is an ultra-high molecular weight non-absorbable braided sterile surgical suture prepared from the fibers of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene. It is available in White and Blue, white and green, white and black combination and in white color. In house needle manufacturing provides better needles with optimum sharpness which finally delivers smooth riding on tissues during suturing.


UHMWPE Sutures are used for permanent, removable fixtures, cardiovascular surgery and orthopedic procedures. Polyethylene sutures have no tissue reaction. Unistrong is neither absorbed nor subjected to weakening by tissue enzymes. It as low friction and chemical resistance.

  • Propiedades: Good knot security, excellent tensile strength for reliability, excellent handling and long lasting, low friction.
Ninja Columna 1Columna Ninja 2
CaracterísticasSutura quirúrgica no reabsorbible
ColorWhite-Blue, White-Black, White-Green and White
AbsorciónNo absorbible
Gama USP5-0 ? 5
EsterilizaciónEO (óxido de etileno)
Vida útil5 años
EmbalajeEn carpeta de calidad alimentaria envasada en bolsas de calidad médica con o sin aguja.
Características del productoExcellent tensile strength, Excellent knot tying, Excellent handling.
Embalaje de suturasEnvasado en cajas de 12/24/36 unidades según las necesidades.
Tipo de aguja de suturaCuerpo redondo, filo cortante, punta cónica, recto, corte inverso, espátula.
MFG. Nº LICMFG/MD/2020/000109