Characteristics of the Surgical Sutures

Sutures have been used for thousands of years, and are still the most common method for closing wounds. The first sutures were made from animal tendons and sinew; these days, synthetic materials such as nylon are more commonly used. The purpose of sutures is to hold tissue structures together while they heal and form new…

The History of Surgical Sutures

A blog that Explains the History of Sutures along with some useful Products. Sutures are a type of thread that holds together edges of wound or surgical incision. It can be used in both internal and external wounds and has been used since the beginning of recorded history. The history of sutures is long and…

Ventajas de la sutura de poliamida y nailon

The Benefits of Polyamide Nylon Suture Over Other Suturing Materials – Universal Sutures Instead of the traditional materials that have been used for years, this product was a godsend to hernia patients, opening up new opportunities and changing the lives of countless people who were suffering from this condition. A blog around the benefits of…

Suturas universales Productos de alta calidad

Universal Sutures specialize in the manufacturing, export and supply of surgical sutures, hernia mesh and bone wax. We manufacture sutures and needles from last 10 successful years and our line of products meet the highest quality and satisfying the requirements of healthcare industry professional around the globe with the success of all types of surgical…

types of sutures

Different Types of Sutures

Dive into the world of various types of sutures and learn about different materials or characteristics to make informed choices in surgical procedures. Sutures are sterile, surgical strands or threads used to sew or approximate damaged body tissues together after an injury or to repair cuts (lacerations). Sutures when used to tie blood vessels to…

Suturas Absorbibles

Definición de sutura

Definition of Suture The suture is a strand or thread, used to ligate (tie) blood vessels or to approximate (sew) damaged tissues together. Our body has naturally the ability to heal the wound. When there is a wound, plasma proteins which are present in the blood, sheds in the form of fibers into the wound,…